Tuesday, August 31, 2010


One thing that we have discussed in our study abroad class is how we will suddenly be the "foreign" students.  I never really thought before about the fact that Shawn and I will be in the minority in SA.  Not only because we are white (approximately 10% of the South African population is Caucasian) but because WE will be the international students. Growing up as middle-class white kids in small town Iowa didn't really expose us to many opportunities to experience "diversity" and I don't think college really has either.  It is interesting because in high school you imagine going to a university and being exposed to all these different cultures and people.  I have yet to really have that experience. If you walk into the union on campus you see the Saudi students, the African-Americans, the techie kids, the "promiscuous" girls, the frat boys, the LGBT students, the "average" kids and many more subgroups. While we have different students in some of our classes it really isn't that melting pot experience I was expecting. In fact, I feel as if I have met people just like me.  Except for our Saudi friends.  One thing that is interesting is getting to know them.  While obviously their culture plays a huge role in who they are and what they believe, being from Saudi Arabia does not define them.  While in South Africa I hope I don't portray that ignorant American stereotype.  I hope to truly meet and interact with people who are not the same as me.  I hope people will able to accept me for being Alyssa, not for being the American international student.

Just a few random ramblings about what is on my mind :)


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